Friday, December 11, 2015


"In worship, silence is far more than the absence of sound. Silence constitutes
a vital part of the divine-human dialogue. In silence, worshipers can
experience interchanges with God that will not be known where silence does not
from The Gift of Worship, Broadman Press, 1992

Monday, August 31, 2015

My Life with the Bride of Christ

(A summary of my relationship with the church throughout my life)

From the Catholics I learned to value tangible expressions of a participatory faith and grace.

From the Christian Church I learned to value restoration of unity over denominational lines.

From the Baptists I learned to value the urgency of which to save the lost.

From the Charismatics I learned to value a faith that knows no bounds.

From the Bible Church I learned to value the depths of solid Bible teaching and preaching.